Saturday, January 30, 2010


Today I was doing routine work aboard Torrid. As usual, I had a movie playing on my computer for background noise and some entertainment. The tune "Amazing Grace" came on and I was immediately thing poleaxed!

I was instantly reminded of the premature death of my son Craig. All of the painful and sorrowful memories instantly came boiling to the surface. I have not cried since his death, but the tears were uncontrollable.

I try to remember all of the "good" times we had together. I was blessed by being allowed to watch him grow from boyhood to manhood. I was damned by watching his premature and senseless death!

I still have a hard time accepting this unfair event! I suppose we must all accept the fact that, if we live long enough, very bad things will happen in our life. Hopefully, at the end of the day, the joy in our lives outweighs the sorrow.

I had many, many, many moments of great joy with my son.

I'm getting anxious to leave Fiji and sail on to Vanuatu. Torrid is nearly ready. Remaining repairs are minor. Fuel,food and fair weather are all I need----------I hope!

I love you, Craig!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


For the past several nights I've slept up on deck and dozed off listening to my favorite songs by Carly Simon.

In "Anticipation" a lyric is repeated:"....these are the good old days."

It occured to me as I was returning to Torrid with her beacon anchor light shining in the twilight with another beautiful Fijian sunset, that these were destined to become the "Good old days" which I will remember in my declining years.

I have waited, planned and hoped for this journey for over 40 years. Now that this dream is coming true, these must truly be my "Good old days."

I am grateful that I have come to appreciate these days now that I am experiencing them.

Sometimes life is good!

Friday, January 22, 2010


Momi Bay was just too quiet.

This morning I motorsailed back to the friendly harbor of Musket Cove.

Today was probably the hottest day I have experienced in Fiji. Whew!!!!

When I got to Musket Cove I took a nice long, cool shower, caught up on the latest news about the earthquake in Haiti and found a nice cool place to hang out for awhile.

Nothing exciting, sorry. No pictures of merit, sorry.

The wind has picked up quite a bit, but the mooring at Musket Cove is quite adequate.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Today I FINALLY got my act together and left Vuda Marina. The weather outlook seemed positive and I wanted to make sure my transmission would work fine.

I sailed, motored back down to Momi Bay.

The first few hours were perfect-------then the wind changed to "Right on the nose". This is a common complaint we yachties use to justify using our engines.

Fortunately, I am NOT a purist. Once the wind changed the engine came on. No problem.

No picture of Momi Bay. There is NOTHING to photograph.

It is quiet, very quiet.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I have not updated the blog recently as there is little or nothing to report.

My transmission began giving me fits when I was out at the Mamanuca Islands. It seemed to be very reluctant to go into forward. Reverse and neutral were not a problem.

I'd hoped it was only a linkage adjustment problem. No such luck. It seems my transmission is famous for this problem.

In a nutshell, the transmission has had to be taken out of the boat and is now at the machine shop getting fixed. I'm hoping it can be replaced in a few days as I'd REALLY like to go back out cruising.

There are no indications of any more Cyclones in the near future. The weather has been REALLY, REALLY, HOT! Getting back on the ocean would be a lot cooler.

More updates as they are needed. I hope to go back to Waya Island or Robinson Crusoe once I can get back into the blue!