Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Sadly, the physicians in Fiji cannot perform the removal of the skin cancer from my left lower eyelid. Accordingly, I must travel to New Zealand for the procedure.

I will leave Fiji on May 2, 2010 and return on the 13th.

Shortly after my return I shall do my final fueling and provisioning and depart for the Republic of Vanuatu.

Vanuatu seems an interesting place with a curious history of two governments, Great Britain and France sharing control of the same country AT THE SAME TIME until Vanuatu was granted independence.

I plan to stay in Vanuatu for a month then proceed to New Caledonia, a French territory. Perhaps my French language skills will improve. On ne c'est pas toujours, n'est ce pas?

Whilst awaiting my departure to New Zealand I plan to sail to some of the nearby islands. I would really like to revisit Waya and Navandra islands, they are truly the most beautiful islands in Fiji.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Well, its seems my old pal skin cancer has come for another visit. Specifically, I have a squamous cell carcinoma of my left lower eyelid. It will require minor surgery.

I MAY be able to have the procedure done in Fiji. Otherwise I'll have to go to New Zealand.
I'll find out on Monday whether the physician in Suva can perform the operation.

The expenses are minimal in Fiji and quite reasonable in New Zealand------not counting the airfare and lodging.

I did have it examined in Hawaii before I left on my trip. The first (mis) diagnosis was "Just a stye, don't worry about it." The second diagnosis was "Probably skin cancer, but we won't do anything without a biopsy and payment IN FULL, UP FRONT for the surgery or I would not be treated."

So much for the American medical care system at the time. I am just so happy President Obama's Health Care Plan has finally been approved.

I expect to be slightly delayed in my departure for Vanuatu. Hopefully it will be a short delay.

I'd attach a picture of my eye, but it is NOT pleasant to look at.

Wish me luck!


Cap'n Mal

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Cyclone Tomas is now out of the Fiji area. The graph shows the projected path towards the Southeast. It looks like Tonga is next.

No harm was done to the area where Torrid is moored. The safety precautions paid off. The maximum winds were no more than 50 mph and there was very little rain.

Goodbye Tomas!

Monday, March 15, 2010


Here is a picture of Tomas taken about 2 hours ago. It is headed South and away from Fiji.

Although my area of Fiji was spared any real damage, other parts of the country did not fare so well. I'll know more in the morning, but I understand Savusavu and the yachts that were moored there got really beaten up.

More soon as it comes to me.

All is well where I am moored and the winds got up to "only" about 50 mph.


Today, Tuesday March 16, 2010, the first strong winds of Cyclone Tomas woke me around 0700. It appears my area will not be blasted much.

I heard that some yachts in Savusavu (my first port of call in Fiji) broke their moorings. The harbor at Savusavu is very narrow and usually crowded. I can only hope everyone pulled thru OK.

Yesterday I started thinking about what I'd need to take off Torrid in the event I was forced to go ashore for a while. Although I have a "ditch bag" which has essential survival gear in the event I ever had to abandon ship and take to my life raft at sea, what I didn't have was an organized "go bag" in the event I had to flee ashore. It was sort of putting all those essential items you would want to have with you in the event your house caught fire. You don't have time to look for those few items in your home that you would not want consumed by the fire. Likewise, I might not have time to find my items in an emergency.

It is surprising how little we actually "need" in an emergency. It is surprising further how many people have risked, or lost, their lives rushing into a burning house to gather these items.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Well, the projected path image came out so well that I've decided to share a color enhanced photo of Cyclone Tomas taken about 2 1/2 hours ago.

It's a pretty big system, but is still "only" a Category 2.


I'm not so sure how clear the picture will be, but this is the projected path of Cyclone Tomas.

I am located near the town of Nadi which is on the far Western side of Fiji.

On the present course it looks like Savusavu, where I first landed in Fiji, is in for a very difficult time.

I'm a bit worried as the storm seems to be "stalled" and is gaining strength over very warm water.

Here at Vuda Marina where I am moored, it is very calm and everyone seems to have completed their preparations.

I only have to take on fresh water and make sure my batteries are charged. If our part of Fiji gets hit the electricity will be lost and the fresh water will become a yucky brown----if it keeps flowing.

Friday, March 12, 2010


A serious cyclone threat is in effect for Fiji. Cyclone, or as we call them in the USA Hurricane, Tomas is taking aim at Fiji.
It is projected to hit on Sunday, 14 March 2010.

I have had a jolly time preparing TORRID. This morning I did my last major task by taking my jib down and storing it below decks. All mooring lines have been doubled and everything topside has been lashed down.

I fully expect that water and electricity will be off for several days, so I've charged my batteries and filled my water bottles.

Right now the Tomas is "predicted" to pass to the East of my location. Let's hope so, but we all know how weather predictions are; educated guesses.

It looks like I may finally have some pictures to add to my BLOG. Too bad they are not going to be "fun" pictures.

Wish me luck. This time I think I'll need it!