Monday, May 31, 2010


I'm starting preparations in earnest for departure to Vanuatu. As much as I like Fiji, it is time to move on.

My refrigerator is STILL not fixed, but I can wait no longer. Today I will change my jib and obtain a refill of my propane tanks and probably take on fuel.

The weather has been fine and getting very warm, a welcome relief from New Zealand.

This morning I awoke with tears in my eyes: I had another vivid dream about my son. A friend was showing me his favorite picture of his brother who had died. It made me think of my favorite picture of my son who also had died.

Whether we know it or not, we all have favorite memories of our loved ones. I wonder what their favorite memory of me is?

At the end of the day, if we have done more good than bad, then it has been a good day.

Have a good day!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


After a verrrrrrrrrrrrrrry long wait at Auckland airport I finally was able to fly back to Fiji.

It is sooooo nice to be warm again!

Torrid had been closed for about 3 weeks and she really developed a lot of mold down below decks. Yuck!

I'm preparing for Vanuatu but still don't have a working refrigerator or wind generator. Apparently, I'm not the only one who is very dissatisfied with the work product of the guy I have.

All things being equal, if all I have to complain about is my refrigerator and wind generator, life is good!

The skin cancer is gone and there is very little evidence of the surgery. I'm still as good-looking as ever. THAT WAS A JOKE!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010


As I write this entry I am 12 hours away from arriving back in Fiji.

The weather in NZ is going downhill fast. It seems a series of three, yes three, Low Pressure areas are converging on NZ and the wind and rain are getting pretty bad. I don't think I'll complain about the heat of Fiji ever again.

As soon as possible I hope to leave Fiji for Vanuatu and New Caledonia. After that, who knows?

I now know why so many NZ "Yachties" go to Fiji this time of year; to escape the cold and wet of the NZ winter. BRRRRRRRRR!

Saturday, May 22, 2010


I'm about 30 hours away from leaving New Zealand and returning to Fiji. I thought it might be appropriate to make a few observations at this time.
New Zealand has come a long ways since I first visited in the late '70's. It is still a vibrant beautiful place and it is well worth visiting.
It used to be an exceptionally inexpensive place to visit. That has changed. I used to get a 2 for 1 exchange on my US Dollar. The prices used to be about 1/2 to 1/3 what you'd pay in the USA, so the country was very inexpensive to visit. I took my children here TWICE and treated them to everything! Sadly, that would be very expensive today.
Sadder still, it seems crime and racial unrest are weaving their sinister ways into the country. Bike gangs, like American bike gangs are well into the manufacture and sale of crystal methamphetamine, or, as we call it in the States: Speed. For some reason their nickname for the drug is "P".
School violence was unheard of before. No longer, I'm afraid. Also violence towards police officers and corrections personnel. Just the other day the first prison guard to be killed on duty by an inmate occurred.
The Maori are increasingly unhappy with the way the government is treating them. Some have formed gangs of their own and are becoming "territorial". I fear they are learning a lot of bad things from American criminals. A want-to-be gang member attacked a 4 year old boy the other day. The reason: the boy was wearing a red shirt! Apparently this is the color that identifies members of a rival gang. Give me a break! A 4 year old boy??????????
These, of course are the exceptions. New Zealand remains as one of my very favorite places in the World.
I suppose she has lost a bit of the innocence I saw so many years ago.
Perhaps I was just a Pollyanna!

Thursday, May 20, 2010


This is how I remembered Auckland: Cold and wet!

I awoke to find that the beautiful weather I'd been enjoying has blown away only to be replaced by cold, wind and rain.

I'll be glad to get back to Fiji.

All's well with the eyelid recovery. I guess I won't have to wear an eyepatch after all.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Yesterday, 18 May 2010 my stitches were removed and the pathology report was a clean bill of health. My skin cancer on my eyelid is finally gone. I would like to thank and recommend Dr. John De Waal. What a great guy!
On the other hand, I'd REALLY like to thank my first American doctor who diagnosed my beginning skin cancer as merely a "Stye" and not to worry about it. I'd also REALLY like to thank my second American doctor who almost correctly diagnosed my squamous cell carcinoma as a basal cell carcinoma (not as bad as squamous), but would not treat me until I paid him $10,000.00 up front!!!!!!!!!
Small wonder that the American health care system is so bad! Good luck to President Obama and my congratulations to him for having the courage to at least start an American health care program. Although it will not be perfect, Rome was not built in a day!
I head back to Fiji in a few days and finally prepare to go to Vanuatu. I'll be able to post some interesting pictures on my BLOG.

Friday, May 14, 2010


All is well and I'm recovering nicely from my second eyelid surgery.

I took a macro photo this morning just after I awoke. It is just TOOOOOOO GROSS to publish. I'll take another later. No sense in making everybody nauseated.

I spent a good part of yesterday studying up about Vanuatu as well as several of the anchorages at the various islands.

It should be an amazing place to see.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


My second eyelid surgery went well. It required much more work by Dr. De Waal, but he did an excellent job.

The surgery required than some cartilage from my ear be relocated to the area under my eyelid. What fun!

I now look like a true pirate! I'm wearing an eye patch for a few days.

I'll return to Fiji on the 24th and get ready to leave for Vanuatu.

Maybe I'll post another picture. Something REALLY scary.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Today, 13 May 2010 I'll receive additional surgery for the removal of the skin cancer from my lower eyelid.

Wish me luck!

It will be done in clinic as an out-patient and with only a local anesthetic.

Does not sound so serious put that way!

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Just for laughs, this is how I looked after the first surgery.

Today I may shop for an eyepatch and look like a REAL sailor. AAAARRGH!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Well, I spoke too soon, again. When will I ever learn?

It seems the Pathology report has indicated that more extensive surgery is required. I go back next week for the additional procedure.

The good news is that it will again be done in the clinic. There is no bad news------other than having to pay for my airline reservation change and additional hotel bills.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Yesterday Dr. John De Waal, a plastic surgeon impressed me in several ways.
1. He removed the skin cancer from my left lower eyelid. The ENTIRE process took less than one (1) hour. I felt no pain or discomfort.
2. He was an extremely efficient businessman. He started on time, was never rushed and exuded confidence.
3. He was a true Gentleman. I'm rarely impressed by other people when it comes to being instantly likable. The World could do well to have more people behave as Dr. De Waal.

Today, of course, I have a black eye, stitches and a bloodshot eyeball. I have very little discomfort.

As long as I wear my sunglasses I don't frighten small children nor startle horses on the street! Just kidding about the horses----there are no horses in downtown Auckland.

I've found Auckland to be an extremely clean city. They have a great public bus system.

Yesterday I felt that something was missing. It took me a while before it came to me: I have not seen any "Graffiti" or punky "Street Art" anywhere. How refreshing!

The weather has been sunny and warm. Unusual for this time of the year.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Today, Sunday 02 May, 2010 I'm at Nadi International Airport and will soon board my flight to AKL. My surgery is in 2 days. I'm not the "Nervous Nellie" type, but I must confess a little trepidation at having surgery so near my eye. I hope I don't come out of it with a permanent "Popeye the sailor-man" squint.
I'm STILL trying to copy my Octopus notes to my BLOG.
Did I mention that I LOVE New Zealand, but don't really care for Auckland?
Perhaps this trip will improve my feelings.