Sunday, May 31, 2009



Repairs have commenced in earnest on Torrid.
Sing- Lee is just a great guy and he is teaching his son a trade which will always be in demand here in Savusavu.
George has been a wonderful help and just does not seem to ever complain about anything.
Once repairs are near completion I plan to sail back to Taveniu as my first diving/beach going destination in Fiji.
"Curly" is the local ambassador for all us "Yachties" and is certainly the "Go to guy" get things done.
My mainsail is now off and should be shipped to Suva soon. I'm anxiously awaiting the results of my jib repair. We'll see!!!!
Tomorrow George may get to climb the mast, with a bosun's chair of course, to re rig the mainsail halyard.
Today as I was walking into town I noticed that the rain was falling so warm and soft that I felt absolutely no need to protect myself. It was like walking in a fine, warm, inviting mist. Soon the rain stopped and with the relatively high humidity I was quickly dry.
New boats arrive daily. Fun at the Savusavu Yacht Club commences atr 1700 hrs daily with "Happy hour". Good thing I don't drink anymore as the "Hour" tends to stretch well past 2200 hrs.
Cap'n Mal

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