Sunday, October 11, 2009


I've been safely moored at Musket Cove for the past few days.

Today, Monday October 12, 2009 is "Fiji Day". It celebrates Fiji's independence from Great Britain. Fiji was granted independence and did not have to fight a war for it as we did in the United States.

Nothing of any consequence has happened to merit reporting in my Blog. However, I did find out that Father Damien, the Belgian Jesuit priest who tended to the lepers of Hawaii during the late 1800s at Kaulapapa, Molokai, Hawaii was just canonized as a Saint in the Catholic Church. I was fortunate enough to visit Kaulapapa several times while living in Hawaii. I met and became friends with "Boogie", a colorful ressident and Hansen's disease patient. He took me on a tour of the area and I was lucky enough to visit Father Damien's Church. The picture I took has a great deal of significance to me. I'm happy to share.


Little Miss Thing said...

What a stunning little church.

HiMargaretSK said...

Trivial Pursuit - not so trivial for those concerned!

How many patients live at Kalapapa now?

What is the cost of airfare to Honolulu?