Friday, April 30, 2010


Tomorrow morning, 02 May, 2010 I shall fly to New Zealand to have my eyelid cancer removed.

Today will be spent doing final preparations to leave TORRID for 2 weeks. I'll also do some very light packing.

Hopefully, I can later attach my Octopus diary I started once my internet connection blew away.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


While at Octopus Resort on Waya Island I literally lost my Internet connection: the modem blew overboard in a raging windstorm. 100 Km. winds while on anchor is NOT fun.

Yesterday was spent on a very long sail back to Vuda.

All's well that ends well.

Notes of the trip will be in a later posting. It was perfect............except for the windstorm!

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Two nights ago one of the Fijian men I have come to really like, "Josepha", asked if he could come out to TORRID and fish for the evening. Naturally, I immediately agreed. I was very interested in learning some Fijian fishing techniques. I was also glad to help and learn.
"Joe" caught two large snappers. I hooked one, but the line broke.
The method is very basic: Pick up a few large hermit crabs on the beach. Break open their shell and remove the crab. Put the crab on a hook, add a lead sinker and drop the hand line and lead to the bottom and wait. The snappers strike pretty hard and I thought the hand line was going to give me quite a cut when I had my fish on the line.
Last night, Joe invited me to lunch at his home. This is quite an honor. I hope to get some good pictures for the Blog.
The weather has been acting up a bit and it looks like some heavy rain is on the way. I guess the rainy season has finally arrived.
I hope to explain some of the fishing tricks I learned from my Hawaiian friends. I think it will vastly improve "Joe's" fishing haul.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Yesterday, I removed a final part off the wrecked MOON DUSTER on Waya Island. I could tell that the Fijian man did not have the proper tools for the job. I suggested that he pick me up on TORRID and I take my tool bag and socket set to obtain the item. The job went quickly and smoothly.

Afterward I felt a bit like a scavenger. Boat parts which would probably never see the Ocean again were put aboard TORRID for future use.

Using that logic, I didn't feel quite so bad.

Here's another picture of the ill-fated MOON DUSTER.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


This evening I sat with the Fijian men as they played songs while the tourists enjoyed their dinner. After some time I began to feel a sense of joy and contentment that I had not felt in a long, long, very long time.

I found that the Fijian spirit of life, however simple, was a predominant feature of their everyday life. I cannot recall a single day that I did not hear peals of laughter ringing from the Fijians. Whether they work in a lovely tropical resort such as Octopus Resort or they work as wheel barrow boys, they seem to have a joy of life that I have found pleasantly contagious.

I am really going to have a hard time leaving Fiji!

Saturday, April 17, 2010


No, no, not me silly!

During Cyclone Mick which struck Fiji in December '09, an unfortunate yacht was anchored at Octopus Resort. Apparently the anchor failed and the boat was washed ashore. It was a total loss.

I went to investigate today.

I met some very nice Fijians who had salvaged a lot of the gear. I made a few purchases for spare parts.

It was a sad sight!


I was surprised to be able to reach the internet from Waya Island.

Waya reminds me of Bora Bora in Tahiti and Rarotonga in the Cook Islands.

It is, in my opinion, the most beautiful island in the Fiji group.

If you come to Fiji, do NOT miss Waya Island. If you have only a week or so, by all means stay at Octopus Resort.

Friday, April 16, 2010


I'm on my way back to my favorite island in Fiji: Waya with my favorite resort: Octopus Resort.

In my opinion it is the best deal in Fiji. Pristine beach, wonderful snorkeling right in front of the resort, a beach that faces West for marvelous sunsets and a truly happy and friendly Fijian staff.

I think I'll put it on my "Top Ten" list of favorite places on the planet.

On the "down" side; Octopus is out of range of the internet from mainland Fiji, so this will be my last entry until, when and if, I move on.


Yesterday, 16 April 2010, I managed to get in a little snorkeling time at Beachcomber Resort.

The diving was quite nice if you stay on the South side of the island and cruise the drop off where the water goes from 5-15'. I saw many large sea anemones with very large clown fish.

The other day, as I was slowly walking around the island I took up a new activity: sadly, it began when I spotted a piece of glass, probably from a carelessly smashed beer bottle. I picked up the piece of glass so as to prevent someone else from receiving a nasty cut. Then, as the sea shell collecting was poor, I began discovering more and more pieces of glass. The green ones were quite pretty and most were a bit worn down, which was nice. I'm now collecting "beach glass."

Today I'm going to try to get back up to Octopus Resort on Waya Island. One of my favorite places in Fiji.

The picture is of Torrid, taken from Beachcomber Resort.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Today is April 15, 2010 which makes it the day before Income Tax returns are due to be filed in the USA.

The sunset was particularly stunning.

Yes, I saw the "Green Flash" again. I've lost count.

Happy April 15 to all my friends in the States!


Today I finally gave up waiting for my refrigerator repair man and got out of Vuda Marina.

I sailed to nearby Beachcomber Island Resort. It is a backpacker place and is very yacht friendly.

The island is very small. "How small is it?" Well, I walked around the island in 35 minutes. I walk very slow in the tropical heat.

I had an EXTREMELY close call with a very hungry reef. I had been directed to moor on a particular ball and was assured that the water was deep enough for my 9' keel. WRONG!!!!!!

I was easing into the area when I noticed my depth finder was showing dangerously shallowing water. I looked over the side and could see that I was in no more than 12 feet of water. I put the engine into reverse and narrowly escaped striking the reef. Caution prevailed.

Attached is a photo of Treasure Island, quite near Beachcomber Island.

Fiji has lots and lots and lots of very hungry reefs.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Last week I went to the bus terminal in Suva for the LOOOOOOOOOOOONG bus ride back to Lautoka after visiting with the medical doctors the day before.

I noticed some of the "Wheelbarrow boys" awaiting jobs across the street.

Farmers bring large bags of crops into the city in trucks. Since the trucks cannot get near their retail stalls, they have to hire the Wheelbarrow boys to transport the goods from the truck to their stalls.

The boys make very little money and, as a consequence, must work very hard and long hours.

The next time you feel sorry foryourself because of how hard you work, think of the Wheelbarrow boys of Suva, Fiji. They are grateful for the work.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Happy Easter, 2010, to all.
The rainy "season" has finally come to Fiji.
Later this week I plan to sail to nearby Beachcomber Resort. It has become more than boring hanging around the marina.
I', STILL awaiting the proper installation of my refrigerator. Fiji time!