Saturday, April 24, 2010


Two nights ago one of the Fijian men I have come to really like, "Josepha", asked if he could come out to TORRID and fish for the evening. Naturally, I immediately agreed. I was very interested in learning some Fijian fishing techniques. I was also glad to help and learn.
"Joe" caught two large snappers. I hooked one, but the line broke.
The method is very basic: Pick up a few large hermit crabs on the beach. Break open their shell and remove the crab. Put the crab on a hook, add a lead sinker and drop the hand line and lead to the bottom and wait. The snappers strike pretty hard and I thought the hand line was going to give me quite a cut when I had my fish on the line.
Last night, Joe invited me to lunch at his home. This is quite an honor. I hope to get some good pictures for the Blog.
The weather has been acting up a bit and it looks like some heavy rain is on the way. I guess the rainy season has finally arrived.
I hope to explain some of the fishing tricks I learned from my Hawaiian friends. I think it will vastly improve "Joe's" fishing haul.

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