Saturday, April 28, 2007


How do we remember our ex-wives/husbands/lovers?
I've had exes, I'm sure you have too.
My memories of past loves used to dwell on the negative side of the spectrum. I allowed the sadness and hurt to adhere to me and I allowed the resentment, anger and wounded pride to guide my daily thoughts. It made my stomach hurt.
My big idea is this: REMEMBER ALL EXES FOR THE JOY AND LOVE (HOWEVER BRIEF) THEY GAVE YOU. There was a time you felt as though you were the only two people on the planet. You felt and swore eternal love-and actually meant it.
Remember your ex(S) for the love and joy they brought you. For a time, you were happy. Your life was enriched if only for a time.
We may not love the person our ex has now become. But we will always love our ex for what they used to be. Why not remember them for the good times?
I have and my stomach has stopped hurting.

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