Thursday, April 26, 2007

Thought of the day

From time to time I will be sharing my limited intelligence and numerous opinions with the willing listener. The purpose is not so much to persuade or even educate the reader as it is to vent my own slanted points of view. Accordingly, please read at the expense of wasting your time.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: WAR, what is it good for? If we, as a race, could eliminate all wars previously fought where would our world now be? Consider the assets and efforts which, if put to constructive as opposed to destructive goals, would've made our present planet a nicer place in which to dwell.
Consider the elimination of future war as a means to accomplish future disputes.
The Rule of Law would determine right/wrong on any issue. The parties and their followers would be bound by such determinations, finally!
What would happen if the global war production were changed to improving our world? We have the means to provide food and potable water throughout our planet. Why haven't we done so? The obvious answer is money. We, as a species, are spendng so much of our resources on war that we cannot afford peace. But really, can we afford more war? Where are we going as a species on our present path?

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