Thursday, May 3, 2007



A version of "The Golden Rule" is incorporated into every religion. So why don't we practice it?
Imagine someone comes to your door and declares that your religion is "false" and that you must change your core beliefs or suffer some violent consequence. Imagine that the issue is something else like your form of government, social order or even language. Would you willingly adapt to the demands of such a visitor? Probably not.
Intolerance is founded upon the belief that only one model of religion, government, society, language or whatever is right. The one the "true believer" has what he thinks is the "right" answer. The problem comes in where we try to force the other person to our way of believing.
Millions have died an millions more have suffered grievously at the hands of "True believers". What has made them so zealous? Intolerance.
If we want to remain comfortable in our beliefs, why can't we allow the same for our neighbor, countryman or fellow member of our species regardless of race, creed, color or anything else for that matter,
So long as the other person's beliefs do not actively cause harm to others where is the problem ?
Maybe Rodney King's words have merit" "Can't we all just get along?"

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