Sunday, September 27, 2009


Today, Monday September 28, 2009, I went ashore at Blue Lagoon, aka Nanuya-sewa Island.

I hiked over to the other side of the island then walked along the beach back to TORRID.

Along the way I spotted several "trails" in the sand. I knew what they were, but thought it would be fun to try to share.

The pictures are of the trail of a seashell through the sand. The other is of the critter that makes the trail in the first place.

These snails make their living by burrowing along just under the surface of the sand injesting whatever little scraps of organic material they can find. As they burrow along they cause the sand to rise just a little with their passage, then the sand settles just a little bit lower than the surrounding sand after they pass by. This way they leave a little "snail trail" in the sand. It is a simple matter to follow the trail to the end, scoop up the sand and VOILA' there is the little snail.

I'm holding the snail in my hand to give a size prespective.

Blue Lagoon is primarily a Honeymooners Resort. As I am a bachelor, yes, things are just THAT quiet for me. Even the snorkeling does not look worth even getting wet.

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