Saturday, November 7, 2009


Every Sunday afternoon the Vuda Marina has live musical entertainment. I decided to enjoy the music and cool off as the breeze there is quite comfortable as opposed to the heat of the storage area where Torrid is stored.
While enjoying the music I began reading a travel book to get more information about Thailand. I was quite rapt in the book and vaguely noticed that a familiar song was being played. It is entitled "Waimanalo Blues" and was made popular around 1978 by a group in Hawaii called Country Comfort.
What has prompted me to report this event is because the song was popular only in Hawaii. I had met one of the band members. Both he and his girlfriend were drug addicts and their child had been taken from them by Child Protective Services. I had been court-appointed to be a GUARDIAN AD LITEM which is "Lawyerese" for the Attorney for the child.
My job was to report to the Family Court, make my recommendation as to where the child should be placed and be prepared to fully support my report.
As the mother had already died of an overdose and the father was still an active and unrepentant addict, he was obviously unfit.
The Grandparents were fiercely competing for custody. I found the maternal Grandparents to be wealthy but cold, superior, racist and snobbish. I felt they wanted custody because they were expected by society to take that stance. I was sure the child would've been shipped off to boarding school.
The paternal Grandmother, although very poor financially, was very loving and sincere. I recommended she get custody. The Court agreed.
The father later overdosed but not before his group made "Waimanalo Blues" a very popular song which is still played frequently in Hawaii,.
It almost made me homesick for Hawaii----------almost.

1 comment:

DJ said...

Oh Mal, I had the wrong song. Will have to research Waimanalo Blues. Love that Hawaiian music.
Tiny Bubbles in my drinks is usually a treat, a Diet Coke, wo hoo or if I am feeling flush a
San Pelligerino
but just one!
Aloha again,
Stay Cool we are preparing for some rain.
Dinah DJ