Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Today I had planned to sail from Malolo Island to Vuda Point on mainland Fiji to arrange some repairs. Well, that what I get for making "plans", making God laugh again.

After leaving Malolo Island I found that my windlass had stopped working. The windlass is the piece of machinery which lowers and, more importantly raises my anchor.

Not having a trustworthy anchoring system I decided to pull back in to Musket Cove where I could safely tie up to a mooring ball. Consequently I am back at MC (Musket Cove) for a couple of days. Hopefully I can find a mechanic/electrician to fix the problem. I tried to fix the windlass and thought I had diagnosed and corrected the problem. Alas, as far as being a mechanic or electrician is concerned I make a pretty darned good Lawyer. (Insert drum roll and rim shot here please.)

Better a little safe than a lot sorry is a motto I'm learning to live by.

At times it seems that each day brings a new problem which I have christened the "Problem du Jour". Although it can be quite frustrating at times to have a new problem every day, nevertheless, I have tried to tell myself that if it were always easy I wouldn't appreciate the efforts as much. Each day therefore, should be viewed as a blessing.

I used to have the 'good 'ol Charlie Brown' attitude in which Charlie once told Linus that he had learned to dread one day at a time. It was funny in the comics section but is a crummy way to look upon life in general.

We cannot change ONE DAMNED THING about our past. We are not guaranteed ONE DAMNED MORE hour of life. We can only exist in and have some semblance of control over what we are doing NOW.

I haven't gone all 'New Age' or anything, but it is a more comfortable way to look at life's foibles.

My windlass will get fixed and the Earth will keep spinning on its axis. Come to think of it, the Earth will keep spinning on its axis even if my windlass isn't fixed.

The photo is from last year, 6 months before I left Hawaii.

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