Thursday, July 16, 2009


I've settled in here at MC. I went for a walk this am and took a "typical" photo to give some idea how beautiful it is here.

George is off "island hopping" on a tour boat. He is probably realizing that his time here is running short and he'll need to see as much as possible in the next few days.

I've sent of for a "care package" from a friend in Hawaii.

The cove here is very nice and a guy could become quite comfortable. Naturally, every Eden has a snake. In the case of MC it has to do with the high prices. The prices may be high compared to mainland Fiji, however, the prices are quite reasonable when compared to most resorts in the States.

Most of the Yachties here are Kiwis but there is a good percentage of Americans.

I thought for years that I would be unique by sailing around the World. In point of fact I've met numerous Yachties who have circumnavigated SEVERAL times. As for me, once is going to be enough-----I hope.

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