Saturday, July 4, 2009


I am anchored off Robinson Crusoe Island, a back-packer establishment located on a pleasant little island in Likuri Harbor, Fiji.

The facility is very Yachtie friendly. Meals are inexpensive and delicious. The guests are an international conglomeration of mostly young people who a traveling the World.

Tonight, July 4 in Fiji, all the Americans were asked to come up on stage before the Fijian show. I had no idea what was up, but I naturally joined about 20 other Americans. We were then asked to sing "The star-spangled banner" which we all did with vigor, if not proper tune or harmony. It was "Chicken-skin" time.

A Fijian group put on an excellent revue. The entire troupe seemed to truly enjoy their performance.

I have sensed that the Fijians have attained something I am straining to comprehend and copy: they live in the "NOW". All my life it seems I have been living either in the future with my hopes, dreams and plans or I've lived in the past with my regrets and self-recriminations. I'm slowly learning to live for today, to live for NOW. Certainly I cannot change a milli-second of my past and as for my future, well, we all know that "Tomorrow" is never a guarantee and our lives can change or even end in an instant. All that we can do anything about is happening in the NOW.

Paraphrasing the Alcoholic Anonymous Serenity Prayer: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I have done in the past, the wisdom to understand that I cannot foresee the future and the ability to live every moment of my life in the "NOW".

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