Thursday, September 16, 2010


Today Dianne and I visited Oyster Island Resort. It has an idyllic setting and a very nice yacht anchorage.

Next we went to Champagne Beach which is truly beautiful. It has powdery white sand and absolutely no surge or swell.

As the water was crystal clear Dianne and I decided to do some snorkeling. I came across a "Crown of Thorns" starfish. This is an ugly animal that devours coral and is a scourge in the Pacific. I decided to be a nice guy and try to put the critter up on the beach where it would die. I carefully picked it up with a broken piece of coral and moved it towards shore. When I tried to lift it out of the water it rolled backwards on the coral and stung the hell out of my left wrist.

Sadly, it lived. Happily, so did I albeit in a lot of discomfort.

No good deed goes unpunished.

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