Saturday, September 25, 2010


Today I went on a tour of several sites used by the US/Australian and New Zealand armed forces during World War II.

I was saddened to visit the ruins of the hospital where the wounded, injured and sick were brought after such epic battles as Guadacanal. Thinking how many of those brave young men and women put so much at risk to defend their countries gave me a new found respect for them. I enjoy the blessings of freedom which they defended often to their deaths. I again wondered whether my uncle Phillip was ever here on Espiritu Santo Island.

In the next couple of days I'll sail to Pentecost Island. Afterwards I'll try to land at Ambryn and Epi islands before heading back to Port Vila.

Dianne has bravely decided to accompany me. I hope she enjoys the passage. So far she has been an outstanding trooper. Life is good!

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