Friday, June 12, 2009


Today, Friday 6/12/09 was spent preparing to leave Savusavu for Taveuni Island. Most of the repairs have been completed but the main sail is not ready yet. I will have to return to Savusavu to pick it up. As it turns out, I have to return to Savusavu anyway in order to check out and proceed South. The customs folks have some very odd rules and if you accidentally violate one of them it will result in a very stiff fine. You really must cross the "T"s and dot the "I"s.

Taveuni promises to be more senic and is said to have some great diving. I'm anxious to take some underwater pictures for the blog.

This afternoon George ran into Rakeesh, the Indian gentleman who invited us to lunch. George had prepared a very nice DVD of our visit with still and video clips of Rakeesh and his delightful wife and children. I think this will become a family treasure. Here is a picture of Rakeesh aboard Torrid.

Today, I was again humbled by the quiet dignity of the Fijians. At least 25% of the people I saw in town were shoeless yet they were not embarassed and others did not act superior.

We Americans are truly blessed, yet how very few of us count our blessings instead of bemoaning that which we don't have? A lesson in humility was learned be me today. These are good people, going about their lives playing the cards which have been dealt them and not complaining about what they don't have.

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