Tuesday, June 9, 2009


This evening I was treated to another spectacular sunset which I'm happy to share.

A little float plane is in the foreground.

While taking the photos I remembered how my father used to love to take photographs of sunsets while we were living on Guam. Some of his pictures, taken with a 35mm SLR camera and presented on slides were quite stunning. I'm sure he enjoyed sharing his photos with his family in Minnesota. I'm honored to carry on the tradition.

Today was relatively quiet as I am still awaiting my sails. However, I was able to have my refrigeration brought up to speed--as well as could be expected. I had all of the worn hose clamps on my engine replaced. I was also able to find and fix the source of the fuel leak in my starboard fuel tank. Apparently the young man who installed the system in Hawaii failed to tighten a connection properly.

I also lubricated 4 of my winches, one of which had frozen. I'm happy to state that all the serviced winches are working very smoothly and can be turned by the pressure of one finger.

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