Monday, August 3, 2009


Today I motor-sailed from Musket Cove to Vuda.
It was with some trepidation that I slipped loose the safe mooring at Musket Cove and departed, solo, for Vuda Marina.
Though not very distant, it did represent a leap of faith of sorts to leave a position of safety and comfort to venture to a new and, as yet, untested destination.
The transit was far less exciting than the anticipation. Thank goodness!
My keel is 9' deep which is quite deep by yacht standards. As a consequence I have to be far more sensitive to narrow passages than most other sailors.
The entrance to Vuda Marina beckoned and the tide was on the rise. I was prepared to anchor outside and await a higher tide.
"George" came out to escort me into Vuda Marina. I took a deep breath and started to follow. It occur ed to me that I still hadn't been hit with the problem du jour yet. I had visions of getting stuck in the channel and being the harbor show of the day.
On more than one occasion my depth gauge read 9'5". I held my breath. It was strange. I actually felt relieved when the depth gauge read 11'. At any other time it would've given me a heart attack.
Suffice it to say that I got into Vuda Marina safely. The neighbor yachties were very helpful in making sure I pulled into my slip safely----and didn't damage THEIR boats in the process.
Later, I had a leisurely lunch and watched the clouds scudding in from the West. In so doing, I asked myself: "Has it been a dream?" Sailing from Hawaii, actually starting a voyage I had planned and hoped for so very, very long. I waded through some of my pictures and some of my Blog entries and kept returning to the same question: Has it been a dream?
Now, late at night, as I make this entry, from the safety of a secure mooring in a nice marina, in Fiji, I wonder: Has it been a dream?

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