Monday, August 31, 2009


This evening I saw the green flash. This is a rare observation made just as the sun sets on the horizon.
I had seen it three times before in Hawaii.
The atmosphere must be just right to make the observation. Naturally, you must actually be looking for it.
Most of us go through our lives attuned more to a clock than to the natural rhythms of the universe. Put differently: You've got to stop and smell the roses, or in this case, actually take out the time and watch the sunset.
Granted, it is rare and only happens when the conditions are just right.
Fortunately tonight I sensed that the conditions might be right.
I was rewarded, albeit momentarily, with the green flash. My only regret is that I did not have my camera handy.
Maybe next time.


Little Miss Thing said...
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Little Miss Thing said...

Well, well, I learn something new everyday! I'll have to keep my eyes open at sunrise and sunset now!
Thank Cap't.

letssailaway said...

Forget sunRISE. Look for the Green flash ONLY when you have the Ocean as your horiizon. The sky MUSY be clear of clouds where the sun is setting. Do not stare at the sun--it will ruin your opportunity to see the flash. Use your peripheral vision then focus on the sun just seconds before the top horizon of the Sum is about to dip under the earth's horizon. Good hunting.

DJ said...

Once at Kapioliani Park doing the outdoor B B Q, I saw the famous green flash. Everyone at the park stopped and we all aplauded. Soooooo beautiful. Think that I have seen it maybe 3 times total. Really takes ones breath away. Ah Mother Nature.