Sunday, December 13, 2009


Well, it was a dark and stormy day.... The time is 1730 hours and the worst of the storm is over. The barometer is rapidly rising and I actually caught a glimpse of the sun about 30 minutes ago.

There has been substantial damage done by falling trees, branches, coconuts and palm fronds at the nearby First Landing Resort. I "rescued" 6 nice papayas from certain devouring by mynah birds. I doubt First Landing will have pizza night tonight, the power has been off since 1000 hrs and the way things get done in Fiji, it is any one's guess when power will be restored.

A steel fishing boat, approximately 75-80' apparently lost power and washed up on the reef just adjacent to the Vuda channel.

The only apparent damage to Torrid was the shredding of the small Fijian courtesy flag we yachties are expected to fly. I'll buy a new one ASAP as I do not wish to show any indication of disrespect by flying a tattered flag.

I'll take photos tomorrow as well as give an update on how high the winds were. My best guess is maximum winds of 100-125 mph. As I said, it was a dark and stormy day. Oh yes, TONS of rain.

Wolfgang, your timing was perfect.


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