Thursday, December 24, 2009


On Christmas Eve when I was about 7 or 8, my mother and I were on a US Navy transport ship returning from Guam to San Francisco. I let my mother know that I was very worried that Santa Claus would be unable to bring me my presents because we were on a ship, in the middle of the Ocean, and I could not see how it would be possible for Santa to fit thru the porthole---especially with all my hoped for presents.

Somehow, someway, when I awoke the following morning Santa had indeed worked his magic!

Now, at the ripe old age of 63, I again find myself on a ship (actually a small yacht) in the middle of the same Ocean (actually moored near a small, beautiful island) I found myself wondering how Santa will ever be able to bring me any of my presents.

It then dawned on me that I had not wished for any presents!

When I awake tomorrow I will receive about the best present I could have ever imagined-----another day of fulfilling my lifelong dream of sailing around the World.

The only thing I do wish for is the restoration to perfect health to my best friend in Hawaii. Together, we shared almost a quarter century of happy, meaningful Christmases.

The picture is of the Spider Conch I collected today.

May all your (reasonable and unselfish) Christmas wishes come true.

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