Friday, December 18, 2009


Christmas 2009 is now one week away (6 days away here in Fiji).

The people I care for most on this planet are literally thousands of miles away. The one person who loved me the most and longest is seriously ill.

My plan was always to take 5 years to circumnavigate the globe, visiting new lands, learning new cultures, improving my foreign language skills and most important, making new friends. All of these plans are coming to fruition and I fully intend to stay the course so long as I am physically capable.

What I did not take into consideration whilst making these plans was how much I would miss my family and friends left behind in my wake.

What I NEVER contemplated was the fact that once I cast off my lines, set my sails and pointed TORRID south towards Fiji, that I was leaving behind friends and family that I might possibly NEVER see again.

My Christmas message is this: Talk to or visit with those in your life who mean to most to you. I failed in this respect many, many times. You just never know when that opportunity will be forever closed to you! TEMPIS FUGIT!

I suppose I can take some solace in the old adage: "If all else fails, you can always serve as a bad example!"

Merry Christmas 2009.

Cap'n Mal

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