Saturday, December 19, 2009


Yesterday I left Vuda Marina and had a pleasant, solo, sail out to Musket Cove. The entire trip was routine until I tried to hook up to a mooring ball. After 4 tries I simply set my anchor then tied a safety line to a nearby mooring ball. The rest of the day was quiet.

Today I expect to walk around and look for seashells which washed up during Cyclone Mick.

The true theme of this message is that there are countless things in our past which we look back upon and think: If only.............I could'a, would'a, should'a done things differently.

Obviously we cannot change our past. However, as Winston Churchill so precisely said: "He who does not learn from history is doomed to repeat it."

We should not beat ourselves up about those could'a, would'a, shoulda's from our past. Rather, we MUST remember them and we MUST learn from them.

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